Building Space For Ambiguity by Dean Tercel | 9-27 July 2024

"... the fluid zone between the world in itself and our image of it is what painting explores, that is its core activity. "
Karl ove Knausgaard

Looming passively at the peripheries of our individual vision and experience, buildings act as familiar markers helping us orientate ourselves in the world.

Affirming the belief in our external reality and sense of existence in this present moment in time.

The various structures referenced in my paintings, have been freed from any perceived architectural merit, emotional narrative or intended function via the mechanics of photography. They are an excuse, the point of departure for an inquiry into arrangements of forms, volumes, spaces and speculation on the nature of reality. This process, of taking glimpses of life and exploring them through the rich materiality of paint, offers many opportunities for invention by way of distillation, simplification and interpretation. The resulting conflict between the depiction of what is seen and the addition of what is felt, rationalised or imagined converges in an often-uneasy alliance of representation and abstraction.

Dean Tercel 2024

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