Elliot Collins
My name is Elliot Collins and I spent my formative years growing up in Rānui, West Auckland. I attended AUT intermittently from 2001 and graduated with a PhD in 2018. I have taken artist residencies in France, The Netherlands, and India and returned home to work at Auckland Museum. I married my wife in 2020 and we moved to her home of Waitara in Taranaki in 2021. I am an art tutor at Te Kura Matatini o Taranaki a small polytechnic in Ngā Motu New Plymouth and have a regular studio practice when I’m not wandering the west coast beaches or weeding the garden.
I have an interest in making art and researching ideas about memory, time, and place. I have an interdisciplinary approach to art making with a focus on painting, photography, and sculpture. My work is poetic in nature and nostalgic in tone as I also use poetry and language to navigate my understandings of the world.